
Urban Farming Education for Sustainable Future

by in Innovation, News 26 July, 2023

The project is funded by the European Commission, Erasmus  + programme, KA220-ADU  – Cooperation partnerships in adult education

The leader of the project is the Forum Center for Strategic Research and Documentation (North Macedonia), and the partners are:  The Association “Eko-Zadar” (Croatia), the Bulgarian school of politics Dimitry Panitza (Bulgaria) and the National Association for the Development of Organic Production Serbia Organica (Serbia)

Overall objective:The main goal of this project is to change the mindset of adult citizens and encourage their interest in environment and sustainability and to expand urban farming movement in the countries targeted in this project thus contributing to the EU Green agenda, the fight against climate changes and sustainability of the cities.

Main target groups in the project are centres for adult non-formal education, organizations and associations that can organize educational activities, courses and trainings for adults in the field of environment and sustainable development.

Final beneficiaries will be adult citizens that will engage in urban farming activities and the community as a whole, all the citizens with common interest that live on a certain urban area.

Baseline study is the initial research of our project. The purpose of this research is to show how urban agriculture/horticulture has an educational, economic, social and environmental impact on society and how urban agriculture/horticulture motivates community involvement. The study used qualitative and quantitative approaches to understand the impact of urban agriculture. Based on the initial analysis, conclusions were drawn about the current state and the necessary prerequisites for the establishment and/or expansion of the urban gardening movement in the countries that are part of the project. The study highlights larger initiatives in the region as examples of success stories.