Our Projects

Project name

Strengthening position of Serbian organic products on foreign markets and development of business-oriented services” – Capacity building of business oriented services and support at the Biofah fair in 2018 in Germany

Year of realization

2018. – 2019.

The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Creation of the website, development of an organic production base, improvement of sales of organic products , improvement of the sector’s visibility, improvement of the export of organic products

Project beneficiaries – target group

Domestic enterprises and the organic production sector

Place (municipality) covered by the project

The entire territory of the Republic of Serbia


USAID Competitive Economy Project

Project name

dm incubator”

Partners on the project: dm drogerie markt, USAID Competitive Economy Project, Development Agency of Serbia and Serbia Organica

Year of realization

2018.  2019.

The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Providing opportunities for manufacturers and processors to develop innovative products, achieve competitiveness, improve their business and be part of the largest drug supply chain in Europe that is recognized for a good assortment of organic products.

Project beneficiaries – target group

 Legal entities from the territory of the Repulic of Serbia

Place (municipality) covered by the project

The entire territory of the Republic of Serbia


dm drogere marktUSAID Competitive Economy Project

Project name

Organic Internship”

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Supporting the employment of young people up to 35 years of age from Serbia in the field of organic production. Acquiring practical knowledge and skills in the field of organic agricultural production and processing according to the principles of organic production, in order to strengthen professional sector staff and encourage employment of young people in Serbia in this field.

The result is the provision of conditions for 20 persons for performing paid professional practice in the period of 3 months at the employers from the organic production sector

Project beneficiaries – target group

Young (up to 35 years of age) engineers of agriculture and food technology and students of the final year of agricultural faculties

Place (municipality) covered by the project

Blace, Brus, Kruševac, Aranđelovac, Velika Plana, Užice, Bela Crkva, Čenej, Subotica, Temerin, Beograd, Ražanj, Lajkovac, Zaječar, Čačak, Bačka Topola, Sremska Kamenica



Project name

U partnerstvu sa Polјoprivrednim fakultetom u Beogradu: „Utvrđivanje iznosa izgublјenog prihoda i dodatnih troškova u proizvodnji voća i povrća u periodu konverzije i u sertifikovanoj organskoj proizvodnji”

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Improvement of business operations in the organic sector and assessment of the economic feasibility of organic production, and accordingly, the possibility of creating more efficient measures of agrarian policy. During the project, an analysis of the surveys was conducted and carried out by the producers of organic raspberries, cherries and peppers, both individual and subcontractors in the group certification system.

Project beneficiaries – target group

Producers and processors

Place (municipality) covered by the project

The entire territory of the Republic of Serbia


Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

Project name

Encouraging and developing the entrepreneurship of secondary vocational school students through the improvement of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of production and processing „

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Education and acquisition of practical experiences in the field of organic agriculture of the professors and students of secondary agricultural and food technology schools

Project beneficiaries – target group

Professors of secondary agricultural and food technology technical vocational schools

Students of secondary agricultural schools

Place (municipality) covered by the project

Aleksandrovac, Niš, Blace, Vranje, Beorad, Čurug, Kralјevo, Brus, Leskovac, Rekovac, Aleksinac


Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development

Project name

Alphabet of good habits“

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Familiarizing children with natural processes by forming and working in organic gardens, forming healthy habits, developing ecological awareness and educating children and educators

Formed gardens according to organic principles in pre-school institutions, educated educators and children

Project beneficiaries – target group

Children and preschool teachers

Place (municipality) covered by the project

Belgrade, Ub and Svilajnac


„Novak Đoković Fondation“

Project name

Training for control organizations from the field of: “Technology of processing of organic products, the basis of microbiological correctness and hygienic engineering and design”,

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Advanced training

Project beneficiaries – target group

Control organizations

Place (municipality) covered by the project




Project name

Local subsidies within Private sector development project

Year of realization

2017. and 2018.

The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Education, introduction of new production technologies

Project beneficiaries – target group

Producers, small and medium enterprises, producers’ associations and women from rural areas, agricultural and food technology schools

Place (municipality) covered by the project

Central, western, south-eastern Serbia



Project name

Within the consortium of civil society organizations made up of 7 CSOs led by IDA from Kraljevo “A Civil Society Support Program for the Protection of the Environment (CSOnnect)”

Year of realization

2017. and 2018.

The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Advocating environmental change at the national, provincial and local levels by CSOs that have the potential to take a leading role in key environmental challenges in Serbia’s future negotiations with the EU within the Negotiating Group

Project beneficiaries – target group

Civil sector in the field of environmental protection

Place (municipality) covered by the project

The entire territory of the Republic of Serbia


REC (Regional Environmental Center)

Project name

We support organic“

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Education of consumers and raising public awareness about organic agriculture and organic products, promotion of the national logo for labeling of organic products in order to increase the sale of domestic organic products which contributes to the development of organic agriculture and to the improvement of the economic status of certified small organic producers that have a significant contribution to the development of rural areas. The specific goal is to increase the sales of domestic organic products, which leads to the improvement of the economic position of existing organic producers and organic production itself.

Project beneficiaries – target group

Producers, consumers, the wider community, media

Place (municipality) covered by the project

The city of Belgrade, Zaječar, Taraš and Lukino Selo near Zrenjanin, Čenej near Novi Sad, Grabovac near Svilajnac


Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

Project name

Edukacija polјoprivrednih proizvođača iz oblasti organske proizvodnje sa teritorije Opštine Babušnica

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Training and support in establishing organic certified production of producers (unemployed and socially vulnerable women) from Babušnica.

The users started their certified organic production.

Project beneficiaries – target group

Unemployed and socially vulnerable women

Place (municipality) covered by the project



Babušnica Municipality and “Lužnik Handicrafts” association through the EU PROGRESS project, through the project “Green Line”

Project name

Training and education of agricultural producers, organizations, institutions and associations from organic and controlled production

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Raising the level of knowledge about organic farming skills through theoretical and practical training (study visit to organic farms in Austria)

Trained producers, producers learned about the experiences from organic producers from Austria by organizing a study visit.

Project beneficiaries – target group

Agricultural producers from the territory of the City of Novi Sad

Place (municipality) covered by the project

the City of Novi Sad


City of Novi Sad, Ministry of Economy

Project name

Training of primary agricultural producers on the topic of pre-accession assistance for rural development IPARD II 2014-2020.”

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Education and training of primary agricultural producers in order to improve the performance of agricultural holdings and market participation. The result of training is to familiarize primary producers with all useful and relevant information of importance for the realization of the support provided by this program: goals, description of measures, priorities, necessary documents, legal and financial framework, as well as the establishment of IPARD structures in the Republic of Serbia and presenting this measure from the perspective of the beneficiary – agricultural holdings.

Project beneficiaries – target


Agricultural producers from the territory of the City of Novi Sad.

Place (municipality) covered by the project

Novi Sad


City of Novi Sad, Ministry of Economy

Project name

Development of general communication concept for organic agriculture and promotion services” within FAO project “Assistance to the Development of Capacity and Support Services for Organic Agriculture in Serbia”

Year of realization

2014. – 2016.

The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

The aim of the project is to promote the organic production sector, raise the level of knowledge about organic production among the participants in the sector, consumers and the general public; raising the level of knowledge about the appropriate mode of communication within the sector, as well as the communication of the sector with the relevant government and donor, domestic and foreign institutions.

Results: trained manufacturers, processors, consumers, general public.

Promoted organic products and producers at the Agriculture Fair in Novi Sad, and at three organic food festivals, an educational promotional campaign consisting of 12 individual promotions in retail facilities.

Project beneficiaries – target


Producers, processors and consumers of organic products, associations and clusters, the general public

Place (municipality) covered by the project

National level of the project, covering the whole territory of the Republic of Serbia



Project name

Program Ensuring Financial Sustainability of the Protected Area System of Serbia

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

The aim is to establish organic production in the concealed areas in accordance with the protection regime I, II and III, which is more closely regulated by the Regulation on Protection Regimes (“Official Gazette of RS” No. 31/2012).

The results are trained managers and the “Handbook on Organic Production in Protected Areas of Serbia”

Project beneficiaries – target


Direct beneficiaries are managers from the territory of the Republic of Serbia from

 -National parks,

– Nature Parks

– Selection of exceptional features

– General and Special Nature Reserves,

– The nature monument

– Protected habitats

Place (municipality) covered by the project

The entire territory of the Republic of Serbia


UNDP ( UNDP) – The United Nations Development Program

Project name

Training of authorized control (certification) organizations

Year of realization

2011., 2012., 2014., 2015. and 2016.

The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Improvement of the control system, exchange of experience with foreign experts and application to the national control and certification system.

Improved control system and compliance with EU requirements.

Project beneficiaries – target


Inspectors, evaluators and managers of control organizations, 25 of them.

Place (municipality) covered by the project

Territory of whole of Serbia since the control organizations have operators from all over the country.


GIZ and control organizations

Project name

Training “Organic food production”

Year of realization

April and May 2015

The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Reducing unemployment and poverty in Serbia, growing green economy and protecting the environment.

The result is trained users to start indoor organic production

Project beneficiaries – target


Unemployed and other socially vulnerable categories of the population, 30 people

Place (municipality) covered by the project

Apatin and Kula


ADA (Austrian Development Agency) within the framework of the SEED Program for Support to the Development of Education and Employment.

Project name

Organic production in the function of sustainable development of Serbia

Year of realization

2014 – 2015.

The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Contribution to the establishment of sustainable development of Serbia through lobbying for the creating, adoption and implementation of strategic regulations and measures (National Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production of the Republic of Serbia for the period 2015-2020) for the protection of the environment through the promotion of organic production at the national and local level in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection and Local Self-Government.

The aim of the project is to intensify the development of organic production, promote the reduction of unemployment, improve the operation of organic farms through diversification of jobs and supply and development of agro-eco-tourism, development of green economies and improvement of environmental protection.

The result was a developed National Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production of the Republic of Serbia for the period 2015-2020, with identified 11 goals and appropriate measures for its implementation, which the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection has merged with the National Program for Rural Development of Serbia entitled “Organic Production Development Plan “As a separate chapter and awaiting adoption along with the NPRR.

Realized numerous manifestations called open organic farms in order to support producers and increase their income as well as the development of agro-eco-tourism

Project beneficiaries – target


The entire organic production sector in Serbia

Place (municipality) covered by the project

The national level was covered by the project, but the largest number of activities was realized in the municipalities of Dimitrovgrad, Selenča, Subotica, Novi Sad and Belgrade


REC – Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (program SENSE)

Project name

Assistance to the competitiveness and compatibility for the EU of Serbian SME

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Support to organic producers and processors

The results were produced log of the organic records of organic production distributed to all organic producers in order to facilitate the maintenance of the necessary records required by the controls of the authorized control organizations. Producers have been educated for bookkeeping.

Manuals for the organic production of apples, raspberries, cherries and strawberries have been made and distributed to all producersand associations

An organic production survey with statistical data was prepared in cooperation with MPŽZS and publication of the publication entitled “Organic agriculture in Serbia 2013”.

Training of manufacturers and processors for improving competitiveness and familiarization with EU standards.

Project beneficiaries – target


Producers and processors.

Place (municipality) covered by the project

The entire territory of the Republic of Serbia



Project name

Education of agricultural producers in the field of organic production from the territory of the Municipality of Dimitrovgrad

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Support the development of organic production and the introduction of producers into certified organic production.

Educated producers and increased number of organic producers on the territory of Dimitrovgrad Municipality

Project beneficiaries – target


Agricultural producers from the territory of Dimitrovgrad Municipality

Place (municipality) covered by the project



Dimitrovgrad Municipality

Project name

Education and assistance to interested producers for the establishment of organic production, the holder of the project Agrar contact, the implementer Serbia Organika

Year of realization

2010 – 2012

The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Support of the development of organic production and the introduction of producers into certified organic production.

Educated producers, introduced into the certification system, provided repro material for production, provided consulting support and increased number of organic producers in the territory of the Municipality of Dimitrovgrad.

After the project, we had 11 certified producers

Project beneficiaries – target


Agricultural producers

Place (municipality) covered by the project



The World Bank and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

Project name

Education of agricultural producers in the field of organic production from the territory of Ivanjica Municipality

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Support of the development of organic production and the introduction of producers into certified organic production.

Educated producers and increased number of organic producers on the territory of Ivanjica Municipality

Project beneficiaries – target


Agricultural producers from the territory of Ivanjica Municipality

Place (municipality) covered by the project



Ivanjica Municipality

Project name

Accredited education of agricultural school teachers for the module “Organic agriculture” and food technology schools for the module “Organic food processing”. Program accredited by the Institute for the Advancement of Education for the academic years 2011/2012 and 2013/2014

Year of realization

November 2011 – May 2012 and May 2014

The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

The goal is to educate teachers from the above fields, and the ultimate goal is to interest and educate students for organic production and reduce the outflow of young people from villages

The result is trained teachers from 62 schools across Serbia

Project beneficiaries – target


Teachers of agricultural and food technology schools from the entire territory of Republic of Serbia

Place (municipality) covered by the project

The program included all the above high schools from the territory of the Republic of Serbia


USAID Agribusiness project

Project name

Increased Export and Sales of Organic Agricultural Products through Sector Promotion and Information Dissemination by Association “Serbia Organica”

Year of realization

2010 and 2011.

The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

Building the capacity of Serbia Organica

Project beneficiaries – target


Developing sector services

Place (municipality) covered by the project

The entire territory of the Republic of Serbia


USAID Agribusiness project

Project name

Training of counselors of Agricultural Professional Services

Year of realization


The project’s aim and the most important results of the project

The aim is to develop an appropriate advisory service for organic producers.

Result: 232 consultants trained from 34 agricultural advisory services and improved level of knowledge and capacity to provide advisory services in the field of organic production.

Project beneficiaries – target


232 advisers from 34 agricultural professional services

Place (municipality) covered by the project

The entire territory of the Republic of Serbia


Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management